Welcome back to the Bounty Brief, friends!
We hope that 2021 ended on a high note and that 2022 is off to a spectacular start.
It’s been a busy few weeks here at Flipside Crypto, and we’ve been hard at work on some of our New Year’s Resolutions. In fact, we’ve already been able to cross a few off our list.
Let’s take a closer look…
Our new home: Flipsidecrypto.xyz
The first resolution to be completed? Our new website, and your new home for all things #CommunityEnabledAnalytics: https://flipsidecrypto.xyz.
Want to find out when new bounties are coming? Check out Flipsidecrypto.xyz/drops.
Need some inspiration from other great bounty submissions? Find them at Flipsidecrypto.xyz/showcase.
Need resources or tutorials on bounties, SQL, or anything else? You can get all of that and more at Flipsidecrypto.xyz.
A new flow for Bounties: Flipsidecrypto.xyz/drops
That new website is home to another exciting addition: Flipsidecrypto.xyz/drops.
This is your go-to source for everything you need to know about our bounty programs and upcoming bounties. Here you can see what bounty questions are currently open for work, what we’ve got coming down the pike, and even claim questions to work on.
Get started now via the link below!
A new project and bounty program
And what better way to welcome you all to a new website and bounty flow than with a new bounty program: Algorand.
Starting right now, you can officially query Algorand data using the Flipside Crypto app and get paid for the insights you create. Check out all our open bounties at the link below.
Believe us when we say that this is just the start of what we have planned for 2022 folks. We’ve got lots more on the way, from further improvements to our new website and bounty flow to new tools for analysts, scavenger hunters, and bounty-solvers.
Make sure you subscribe to this newsletter to make sure you don’t miss any of it. You can also follow us on Twitter here, or join our incredible community of analysts on Discord via the button below.