Hey bounty hunters, we’ve got 20 bounties for you dropping this week! That includes a new Optimism Scavenger Hunt, Solana, Sushiswap, Terra, and Moonbirds Bounties dropping today, plus Algorand Bounties this weekend!
See them all below — plus a preview of next week’s bounties! And don’t forget to join us on Discord to keep up with the latest bounties and news from Flipside.
[Easy] Optimism Scavenger Hunt
Bounty: 15 USDC
Dive into the Optimism ecosystem with a new scavenger hunt!
[Easy] MDNE Locked In Governance
Bounty: Up to 1.53 SOL
Create a line chart showing the total amount of MNDE tokens locked in governance over time. What percentage of the current circulating supply does this represent?
[Medium] Solana Competitive Advantages
Bounty: Up to 2.28 SOL
Why would a developer and / or a user choose Solana over Ethereum (and vice versa)?
[Medium] User Growth per Sector
Bounty: Up to 2.28 SOL
What sectors / Apps are driving user growth on Solana? Choose the top apps per sector (DEXs, Borrowing, Staking, NFTs ...) and create a dashboard of user growth per sector and App. Are there any sectors / apps that are driving more user growth than others? Share your findings.
[Hard] Marinade's Non-Fungible Chefs (Part II)
Bounty: Up to 4.59 SOL
Marinade Finance Non-fungible Chef NFTs began minting on April 4, 2022. How many unique holders of the NFTs are there? Create a chart showing trading activity and SOL volumes on Magic Eden.
[Easy] Unique Buyers and Sellers
Bounty: Up to 150 USDC
Are more people joining or leaving the Moon Birds community? Look at unique buyers and sellers over a period of time
[Medium] Rare Traits
Bounty: Up to 225 USDC
What Moon Bird traits are rarest? How have different traits performed with buyers and sellers?
[Hard] Moonbirds Crossovers
Bounty: Up to 450 USDC
Are there any notable cross overs between the Moon Birds community and other communities? How many holders also have BAYC, Doodles, etc
[Easy] Trident
Bounty: Up to 50.85 SUSHI
Describe using a visual document how Sushi's Trident works and compare, if possible, with other similar products in Defi.
[Medium] Sushi Reward Program for Farmers
Bounty: Up to 76.26 SUSHI
How much in total has been distributed so far?
How much is left to distribute?
What percentage of eligible addresses have not claimed anything so far?
What percentage have totally claimed their rewards?
What percentage have partially claimed their rewards?
What percentage of the eligible addresses are dead addresses
(A dead wallet is a wallet that has not executed any transaction in the last 3 months)
[Medium] Whale Swaps
Bounty: Up to 76.26 SUSHI
How many swaps are above x$ and how much total amounts were swapped in such transactions?
[Easy] State of the State (redux)
Bounty: Up to 0.28 LUNA
Many bounties come from Terra clients. This time, Flipside is the client!
Review the existing Terra Console for accuracy.
[Easy] Active Wallets on Terra
Bounty: Up to 1.68 LUNA
Define "Active Wallets" on Terra. Based on your definition, display the active wallets by day, month, and Year-To-Date in 2022.
[Medium] UST Competitive Advantages
Bounty: Up to 2.52 LUNA
Why would a user choose to transact using UST over DAI (and vice versa)?
[Medium] User Growth Per Sector
Bounty: Up to 2.52 LUNA
What sectors / Apps are driving user growth on Terra ?Choose the top apps per sector (DEXs, Borrowing, Staking, NFTs ...) and create a dashboard of user growth per sector and App. Are there any sectors / apps that are driving more user growth than others?
Share your findings.
[Medium] A World Without Anchor
Bounty: Up to 2.52 LUNA
Imagine a world without Anchor, what would be the impact on Terra ecosystem Focus on UST Growth, User Growth, Impact on Market Module. Create Charts & Dashboards to back your analysis.
[Hard] The Eclipse Score
Bounty: Up to 5.07 LUNA
Justin Sun has recently announced an algorithmic stablecoin, USDD, with 30% yield. Sun has announced plans to backstop USDD with $10B of crypto as collateral, matching the Luna Foundation Guard (LFG).
Coming Next Week: Redacted Cartel Bounties
We’re adding new data and bounties to our collection every week. Next week, we have Redacted Cartel!
Want to get involved with our upcoming bounties? Have a question you want to see as a bounty? Let us know on Discord!
Good luck with your bounties this week🤞🍀 Make sure you join our community on Discord to keep up with all things bounties and get answers to any questions you have about solving our queries:
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