Hey bounty hunters,
Believe it or not, the Bounty Brief is now 77 years weeks. Hopefully, those double sevens bring some good luck for you when it comes time to claim bounties this weekend.
We’ve got eight bounties dropping this weekend on everything from NFL ALL DAY Playbook challenges and NEAR to Optimism NFTs and the trendiest assets on Osmosis.
Check it all out below!
NFL All Day Tournament [Round of 8]
Bounty: Up to 460.122 FLOW
Time for a Playbook Analysis!
NFL ALL DAY’s Playbook challenges are weekly events that challenge participants to collect certain NFTs or fulfill other tasks on the platform. Those who complete them are rewarded with “yards.” Depending on how many yards a participant earns, they are rewarded with various NFL ALL DAY moments and packs.
Answer the following questions about NFL ALL DAY’s Playbook challenges:
When challenges drop, are people buying up moments before the games start? or are they buying throughout games based on performance?
Are people buying up supplies during games for moments in the challenges and then flipping? Or is it just people trying to complete the weekly challenges?
How hard are the moments floor crashing after the challenges complete?
What is the average value of the reward packs? (one through five-star packs) - what is the max a user should spend on moments in the marketplace to get +EV on the pack rewards?
[Hard] Open Analytics Vol. II: Environmental Impact Study
Bounty: Up to 31.6905 NEAR
Recently, we analyzed SWEAT - one of the premier projects on NEAR.
Do a deep dive into another project on NEAR and analyze its impact, defining metrics for “impact” and displaying them with data.
What contributions is your chosen project making to NEAR? You don’t need to choose one of the biggest or most impactful projects - and your research can include qualitative assessment as well.
As usual: cite the source for any outside work or explanations that you use.
A brief overview of your chosen project will suffice; focus your power on answering the question:“What impact is this project having on NEAR? How much is it contributing, and how do you know?”Grand prize eligibility will also include brief recommendations on how this project could maximize its impact, and how you would track the results of your proposed interventions.
🔴 Optimism
[Hard] OP Price vs Swapper Activity
Bounty: Up to 112.5 USDC
Is there a relationship between OP price and trade volume? Make your case by including at least three visualizations.
Feel free to provide any information that you think is related to token price.
[Elite] Secondary NFT Market Mega Dashboard
Bounty: Up to 150 USDC
Create a dashboard on the secondary market for NFT sales on Optimism!Include at least these metrics, along with any others you find notable or interesting:
Sales volume (daily/weekly/monthly)
Total Sales Volume
Daily Average Sales Price and 7-day moving average
Total Unique Buyers
Average Buyers/Day
HINT: Check out this Solana NFT Megadash from h4wk for an example
Coming Soon™️
Want more? Here are some more bounties coming this weekend.
🧑🏫 Skill-building Bounties
[Easy] Trending assets in Osmosis: Skill-building Bounty 14
In this skill building bounty, we’ll take a look at osmosis swaps!
In the live call, we’ll go over the swaps and labels table (osmosis.core.fact_swaps and osmosis.core.dim_labels) to recreate a dashboard showcasing the following:
Number of unique traders in the past week
Number of unique traders all time
Top 5 trending assets people are buying in the past week in terms of number of transactions
[Hard] Finding holders for a specific token: Skill-building Bounty 13
This week’s hard bounty will be a continuation of this week’s easy bounty. From the easy bounty, we’ve created a dashboard to show the top 5 trending assets in the past week.
In this bounty however, we would like you to create a prices table for each asset denominated in USD so that we can get the top trending assets by USD volume.
You would create this prices table using the swaps data instead of using the dim_prices table.
Don’t forget to join us for a walkthrough for this bounty in our live SQL sessions on discord on October 4. You can also catch the previous live SQL session recordings on our Youtube channel
📊 Optimism: Open Analytics Bounty
Submit a deep dive dashboard that explores a specific topic in detail.
Open Analytics (OA) bounties are bounties without specific prompts, just a direction and a reward. It’s your chance to have your brain follow your heart — got a spark of interest, or a loose thread, or a weirdly-specific question gnawing at the back of your mind? Follow it as far as you can!
For this bounty, submissions should compare ETH + Solana in some way.
📊 ETH Open Analytics Bounty
Submit a deep dive dashboard that explores a specific topic in detail.
Open Analytics (OA) bounties are bounties without specific prompts, just a direction and a reward. It’s your chance to have your brain follow your heart — got a spark of interest, or a loose thread, or a weirdly-specific question gnawing at the back of your mind? Follow it as far as you can!
Good luck with your bounties this week🤞🍀 Make sure you join our community on Discord to keep up with all things bounties and get answers to any questions you have about solving our queries:
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