Hey bounty hunters,
If you’re a sports fan, your calendar is likely filling up. Most European football leagues are in full-swing, as are the NFL and college football in the U.S. Baseball fans are gearing up for the playoffs, while hockey and basketball fans get ready for another season to start.
Analysts calendars are filling up just as quickly — we’ve got a perfect 10 new bounties dropping this weekend, including a bunch of new questions for the sports fans amongst us. That includes the Final Four of our NFL ALL DAY Bounty Tournament, along with some flash bounties on Solana sport NFTs, and more coming next week
Not a sports fan? No worries, we’ve got plenty more bounties to keep you busy all weekend.
Check it all out below!
NFL All Day Tournament [Round of 4]
Bounty: Up to 920.245 FLOW
Let’s dive deep into the world of packs on NFL ALL DAY.
NFL ALL DAY Packs are collections of NFL ALL DAY moments and are often the easiest and cheapest way to get moments. Currently, pack drop times vary, but typically happen on a weekly basis. If users don’t get a given card via a Pack Drop, they must find a given moment from other users via the marketplace.
Answer the following questions about NFL ALL DAY’s Packs and Pack Drops:
When packs drop, how quickly do they sell out? Are users eager to get their hands on these newly minted packs?
Which packs tend to sell out more quickly? Standard packs (sold for roughly $59) or the Premium packs (sold for roughly $219)
After packs sell out, do users buy up moments that were featured in those packs? Do certain players or moments see large changes in price shortly after pack drops?Do floors crash for moments released via packs?
What is the average value of the moments given in the Week 1-2 packs (both Standard and Premium)
☀️ Solana
[Hard] Solana NFT Championship
Bounty: Up to 3.443 SOL
There’s no shortage of sports-related NFTs on Solana, from Collectorz Club and Suites to Laidback Lions and Aaron Jones’ Showtime collection — but who can lay claim to the title of Solana sports NFT champion?Create a dashboard that shows off the top collections. Include at least these metrics, along with any others you find notable or interesting:
Sales volume (daily/weekly/monthly)
Total Sales Volume
Daily Average Sales Price and 7-day moving average
Total Unique Buyers
Average Buyers/Day
[Elite] Solana NFT All-Stars
Bounty: Up to 5.738 SOL
Compare 1/1 NFTs from popular Solana collections such as Degen Apes, DeGods, and Catalina Whales featuring sports jerseys and other similar attributes.
Do these NFTs sell for more than there in the same collection? Are they sold more often or less often? Do traders buy multiple of these types of NFT from different collections?
Note any interesting trends or outliers you see.
🔴 Optimism
[Medium] Average Optimism Portfolio
Bounty: Up to 75 USDC
What does the average Optimism user's portfolio look like and how has that changed over time?
What % of a user's activity (in OP terms) is staked, unstaked, in liquidity pools/farms, in NFTs? How has this trend changed over time?
[Elite] NFT Crossovers
Bounty: Up to 187.5 USDC
Create a dashboard that shows the crossover between the Optimism OP NFT projects by market cap. Which of the strongest projects tend to have the most crossover, and which projects have a wider mix of other communities?
Which communities tend to provide the most signal that another NFT project will do well? As in, is there any alpha if you were to see a certain PFP buying another collection? Which communities tend to be most active in minting new collections? Which communities have are the most diamond handed on other projects?
🧪 Osmosis
[Hard] Cosmoverse Free Play
Bounty: Up to 100.446 OSMO
Cosmoverse was full of amazing announcements and alpha leaks. Analyze your favorite token’s LP & trading activity on Osmosis over the past week.
Please provide volume and user growth metrics into this analysis and focus on deep insights on ONE token.
Coming Soon™️
Want more? Here are some more bounties coming this weekend.
🧑🏫 Skill-building Bounties
[Easy] Exploring Optimism EZ tables: Velodrome Part 1: Skill-building Bounty 16
This week, we’ll go through how to explore the EZ tables. These are curated tables for a particular protocol (like Velodrome) or for a generic metric (like NFT sales) to help you query these metrics faster without going through the raw event logs table.
We’ll use the optimism.velodrome.ez_lp_actions table to deep dive into Velodrome’s pools to create the following metrics:
Which pools are people LP-ing in recently?
Which pools are people withdrawing their LP from? For both #1 and #2, evaluate both metrics by volume and also by number of addresses.
Show a distribution of the number of pools entered since September
Don’t forget to join us for a walkthrough for this bounty in our live SQL sessions on discord on October 11.
[Hard] Exploring Optimism EZ tables: Velodrome Part 2: Skill-building Bounty 17
By using the optimism.velodrome.ez_claimed_reward and optimism.velodrome.ez_swaps tables, find the following:
For those who claimed their VELO token from LP-ing, how many sell their tokens immediately?
How many tokens out of their rewards were sold?
Feel free to define the terms here:
Time frame of selling (i.e. within the hour of claiming)
Amount of sales (i.e. does the sell amount have to be lower or higher than the claimed amount?)
Don’t forget to join us for a walkthrough for this bounty in our live SQL sessions on discord on October 11. You can also catch the previous live SQL session recordings on our Youtube channel
📊 Optimism: Open Analytics Bounty
Submit a deep dive dashboard that explores a specific topic in detail.
Open Analytics (OA) bounties are bounties without specific prompts, just a direction and a reward. It’s your chance to have your brain follow your heart — got a spark of interest, or a loose thread, or a weirdly-specific question gnawing at the back of your mind? Follow it as far as you can!
For this bounty, submissions should compare ETH + Solana in some way.
📊 ETH Open Analytics Bounty
Submit a deep dive dashboard that explores a specific topic in detail.
Open Analytics (OA) bounties are bounties without specific prompts, just a direction and a reward. It’s your chance to have your brain follow your heart — got a spark of interest, or a loose thread, or a weirdly-specific question gnawing at the back of your mind? Follow it as far as you can!
Good luck with your bounties this week🤞🍀 Make sure you join our community on Discord to keep up with all things bounties and get answers to any questions you have about solving our queries:
Sharing is caring! Make sure you subscribe and share the Bounty Brief with a friend that wants to get involved in the space: